Been away from Nursing for sometime, want to reenter the profession? Contact us and let us develop a customize NCLEX or CGFNS review program for you! |
Now Providing Reviews (NCLEX, CGFNS and CNOR) Using Web Conferencing with Voice over IP (VoIP) and Text Chat!! All the Benefits of a live instructor from the convenience of your home or office. |
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A CGFNS, NCLEX-RN® or Custom Review done as a web conference contains the material in our overview. The difference from a classroom review is that you can take the review using your MS Windows based PC and Microsoft Internet Explorer and our instructor is live, talking and interacting with you. You are NOT just reviewing pages of questions on a web site. You have all the benefits of having a live instructor who can answer your question(s) immediately (just click the "raise your a hand button" in the conference window). You receive the benefit of learning from other reviewer's question(s) with out having to leave your home or office. Reviewers that have a microphone on their PC can talk with the instructor/class by voice not just a text chat window when granted the podium by the instructor.
We use Webtrain Communications or OnDemandConferencing as our Web Conference providers.
If you are interested in a free demonstration of our Web Conference Reviews for CGFNS, NCLEX-RNŽ or our other Reviews send us e-mail.